Brand Visual Guidelines - FAQ (BlueStar Games)
Welcome to the Brand Visual Guidelines FAQ Help Article. In this article, you will find the commonly asked questions regarding the usage of our brand.
If your question was not answered, please create a ticket through our Help Site, and wait for an agent to respond.
Brand FAQ
Q: Who can use our logos? A: We generally do not give out permission for users to use any of our logos. Our studio needs to protect its intellectual property. If we do permit you to use our logos, it’s primarily only the “BlueStar Games” or “Tycoon Innovator” logo. You will rarely see us allowing users or our partners to use our thumbnails or game icons for their content.
Q: I’m a verified YouTuber on Roblox, and I am interested in using your logo for my thumbnail. A: If you’re an influencer for our game, we will allow you to use the “Tycoon Innovator” logo or the “BlueStar Games” logo, or if you wish, a combination of both. We do not allow influencers or users to use our thumbnails, the characters in the thumbnails, or our game icon. If you’re an influencer, you can only use what we have prescribed you to use.
Q: I am not an influencer, but I am interested in using your logo! Can I use it? A: Unfortunately no. You need to have our permission to use our logos. If you don’t have our permission to use our logo and you’re using it for your personal use which violates our guidelines or not, we will submit a DMCA to Roblox which can result in the account being terminated by Roblox.
Q: I’m an artist and I do fan art? Can I draw your logo? A: Absolutely! There is no problem drawing our logo if you so wish. What is prohibited is creating fan art and selling it through websites so you can gain profits off our logo. If you have additional questions regarding fan art, you can visit the fan art section of the visual brand guidelines page.
Q: How do I get my fan art featured on Twitter? A: We will randomly choose fan art from our community server and spotlight the creator for their outstanding work. If you haven’t been featured, you’re on the list and you’re close!
Brand Guidelines Disclaimer
Please understand that these guidelines are not endorsed by Roblox and are only used for our experiences. These guidelines are directed toward our community, partners, and employees.
However, if you create an experience on Roblox and you use our assets, which are not limited to our symbols, logos, or thumbnails. It’s the responsibility of Roblox’s DMCA Team to enforce their DMCA Guidelines and take the content down.
Last updated